Call for Papers and Posters ( doc)
Gairm airson Pàipearan agus Postairean ( doc)
Galwad am Bapurau ( doc)
Association of Celtic Students of Ireland and Britain
Fifth Annual Conference
University of Glasgow, Scotland
24-26 March 2017
The Association of Celtic Students of Ireland and Britain will be holding its fifth annual conference at the University of Glasgow, Scotland on Saturday and Sunday, the 24th and 25th March 2017.
The aim of the Association is to encourage and bring together socially students of all fields under the Celtic umbrella: be it language, literature, culture, history and beyond. We aim to offer support in the broad field of Celtic Studies; promote all aspects of Celtic Studies (e.g. the study of the Celtic languages, literatures, histories and cultures, etc.); to represent all Celtic students and to campaign on their behalf.
Our conference encourages social and academic links between students of Celtic languages, literatures and cultures from across the Celtic nations and beyond, and to give them a chance to gain the experience of presenting their work in a supportive environment among their peers.
We invite proposals for 10 minute papers and posters on any subject relating to the field of Celtic Studies or related disciplines, both postgraduate and undergraduate. Papers may be presented in any of the Celtic languages or English. There will be live interpretation available for Breton, Welsh, Irish and Scottish Gaelic. Those presenting in Cornish or Manx are asked to provide a written English translation for the audience.
Abstract submissions of no more than 200 words in length should be submitted by Thursday 16th February 2017. To submit, go to or for more information please contact
Mòrbheinn Mèinnearach
ACSIB Chairperson
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