Draft Schedule: Celtic Students' Conference 2018, Edinburgh

Dh’fhaodadh an clàr-ama seo atharrachadh agus thèid tionndadh deireannach a sgaoileadh nas fhaisge air àm na co-labhairt.
Please note details of this programme are liable to change and a final version will be available nearer the time of the conference.

Co-labhairt Comann Oileanaich na Ceiltis 2018
Association of Celtic Students Annual Conference 2018

Dreachd Clàr-ama / Draft schedule

Diardaoin 1 Màrt
Thursday 1 March                                     

Taigh-seinnse a’ Waverley, 3-5 Sràid Naomh Moire, EH1 1TA
Waverley bar, 3-5 St Mary’s Street, EH1 1TA

Coinneamh neo-fhoirmeil dhaibhsan a tha ann an Dùn Eideann mar-thà.
Informal get together for those who have already arrived.

Dihaoine 2 Màrt
Friday 2 March

Bùthan-obrach: ‘A’ Cheiltis san latha an-diugh’
Workshops: ‘Celtic Studies today’

Bidh na seiseanan seo ann am Beurla. Le taic bho Ionad an AHRC airson Trèanadh Dotairail anns na Cànanan Ceilteach.
These sessions will be in English. In conjunction with the AHRC Centre for Doctoral Training in the Celtic Languages.

Talla Òraid H.R.B., Togalach Ùisdein Robson, Ceàrnag Sheòrais no Seòmar Dinnearach Teviot ­­­­– thèid seo dhaingneachadh.
H.R.B. Lecture Theatre, Hugh Robson Building, George Square or Teviot Dining room – to be confirmed.

‘Internships, training and getting the most out of funding’
Charles Wilson (Edinburgh), Samuel Jones (Bangor), Christopher Lewin (Edinburgh)
‘Celtic linguistics’
Charles Wilson (Edinburgh), Christopher Lewin (Edinburgh), Paulus van Sluis (CAWCS)
‘Creative writing and research’
Elan Grug Muse (Swansea), Llyr Hughes (Bangor), Mark Spencer Turner (Edinburgh), Robbie MacLeod (Glasgow)
‘How relevant is the concept of ‘Celtic’ today? The future of Celtic Studies’
Myra Booth-Cockcroft (Glasgow), Llyr Hughes (Bangor), Fañch Bihan-Gallic (Aberdeen), Paulus van Sluis (CAWCS)
Falbh airson Pàrlamaid na h-Alba (coiseachd; busaichean no tagsaidhean rim faighinn) no Tasglann Sgoil Eòlais na h-Alba (29 Ceàrnag Sheòrais)
Leave for Scottish Parliament (walking / buses / taxis available) or School of Scottish Studies Archives (29 George Square)
Turas dà-chànanach mun cuairt air Pàrlamaid na h-Alba (25 duine a-mhàin, cuiribh ur n-ainm sìos air an latha)
Bilingual tour of Scottish Parliament (25 persons only, sign up on day)
Bùth-obrach ann an Tasglann Sgoil Eòlais na h-Alba (20 duine a-mhàin, cuiribh ur n-ainm sìos air an latha)
Workshop in the School of Scottish Studies Archives (20 persons only, sign up on the day)

Taobh a-muigh den dà thuras seo, tha an t-uabhas àitean inntinneach eile faisg air làimh air am b’ urrainn dhuibh tadhal, a’ gabhail a-steach Taigh-tasgaidh Nàiseanta na h-Alba, Caisteal Dhùn Èideann, Lùchairt Taigh an Ròid, Gailearaidh Nàiseanta na h-Alba agus Taigh-tasgaidh Talla nan Lannsairean. Nach faighnich sibh den luchd-stiùiridh is an luchd-cuideachaidh ma tha seòlaidhean a dhìth oirbh. Tha cuid de na h-àitean seo air an t-slighe chun na Pàrlamaid.
Apart from these organized trips, there are many other places of interest nearby, including the National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh Castle, the Palace of Holyroodhouse, the National Gallery of Scotland and the Surgeons’ Hall Museum. Please ask conference organizers and helpers if you need directions. Some of these destinations are on the way to the Parliament.un

Seòmar Dìnnearach, Aonadh Oileanaich Teviot
Dining Room, Teviot Row House Student Union

clàradh / cothrom greim biadh fhaighinn
registration / chance for a bite to eat
Prìomh-òraid Plenary
Dr Katherine Forsyth (Glasgow / Director of AHRC CDT in the Celtic languages)

Canon’s Gait, 232 Canongate, EH8 8DQ no Seòmar Dìnnearach Teviot – ri dhaingneachadh
Canon’s Gait, 232 Canongate, EH8 8DQ or Teviot Dining Room – to be confirmed
Bothan Dhùn Èideann / Cur air bhog na h-iris Steall
Launch of Gaelic magazine Steall with performances by conference delegates Robbie MacLeod and Sarah Scott, as well as Gaelic poet and storyteller Martin Macintyre. In conjunction with CLÀR publishing and Bothan Bothan Dhùn Èideann.

Disathairne 3 Màrt
Saturday 3 March

50 Ceàrnag Sheòrais
50 George Square

Registration and orientation.
Fàilte (Talla Òraid)
Welcome and introduction (Lecture Theatre)

Talla Òraid
Lecture Theatre

Seòmar Pròiseact
Project Room

Seòmar 2.03
Room 2.03

1 Cànan, co-luadar, cultar is poileasaidh
Language, society, culture and policy

2 Litreachas meadhan-aoiseach
Medieval literature
3 Cultar, co-luadar agus litreachas
Culture, society and literature
Niall Tracey (Sruighlea / Stirling)
‘Using minority languages as a tool for second language acquisition research’
(Gàidhlig na h-Alba / Scottish Gaelic)                                                  
Nicholas Thyr (Cambridge)   
‘Meaning and the “Beheading Game”’
Robert Fell (Edinburgh)
‘Scotland’s Travellers and the Narrative Negotiation of Worldview’
Pàdruig Moireasdan (Dùn Èideann / Edinburgh)
‘A reconsideration of Presbyterianism’s impact on Hebridean culture in the twentieth century’
(Gàidhlig na h-Alba / Scottish Gaelic)
Samantha Summers (Queen’s University, Kingston)
‘Empty Ness-ters: The Mothers behind Ireland’s Mythological Men’
Brittnee Leysen       (Glasgow)              
‘Scottish Aotearoa: The Gaelic Place-Names of Otago’    
Alexander Lovell (Abertawe / Swansea)
‘Y continwwm Cymraeg: Fframwaith cysyniadol ar gyfer addysgu ac asesu’r Gymraeg mewn addysg cyfrwng Saesneg?’
(Cymraeg / Cuimris / Welsh)
Dhanya Baird (Edinburgh)
‘The Problem of Cú Chulainn’s Generation’
Joanna Pettersson (Uppsala)  
‘Sheela-na-gig: a comparative analysis of different hypotheses and their arguments’
Ben Ó Ceallaigh (Dùn Èideann / Edinburgh)
‘Noa-liberalaghys, lhiasaghey state as polasee glare: lessoonyn voish Nerin 2008 gys 2018’ [Neoliberalism, state development and language policy: lessons from Ireland 2008 to 2018]
(Gailck / Gàidhlig Mhanainn / Manx)
Robbie MacLeòid (Glasgow)
Co lluid treda triliss: A Note on Female Alterity and Hair in Medieval Gaelic Secular Prose’
Tricia Carr (Ulster)
‘Implementing Utopian Literary Theory on Modern Irish Literature’
Prìomh-òraid Plenary
Dr George Jones (PhD Aberystwyth)
‘Beachdan air rannsachadh dualchainnt, le sùil air Gàidhlig Dhiùra’ [Perspectives on dialect research, with particular reference to Jura Gaelic]
(Gàidhlig na h-Alba / Scottish Gaelic)

4 Nua-litreachas
Modern literature

5 Sgrùdaidhean Còrnach
Cornish Studies
6 Sgrìobhaidhean meadhan-aoiseach
Medieval texts
Non Mererid Jones (Bangor)
‘Dylan-wad: O Milk Wood i’r Wenallt’
(Cymraeg / Cuimris / Welsh)
Philippa Mills (Institute of Cornish Studies, University of Exeter)
‘The last Cornish speakers: their identities, family histories and connections (socioeconomic, religious and demographic)’
Bathsheba Wells Dion (Cambridge)
‘Soteriology and the Approach to Hell in the Nauigatio Sancti Brendani
Eimear Nic Conmhaic (Coláiste na Tríonóide, Baile Átha Cliath / Trinity College Dublin)     
‘Súil na Filíochta: Radharc na súl agus ról an fhile i bhfilíocht Choilm Bhreathnaigh’
(Gaeilge / Gàidhlig na h-Èireann / Irish)
Lowenna Hosken (Edinburgh)
‘A move towards authenticity? The use of language and accent in the BBC’s 2014 production of Poldark’
Maria Hallinan        (NUI Galway)        
‘Through the Eyes of Scholars: An Investigation into the Scholastic Depictions of Social Status in Early Medieval Ireland’
Elis Dafydd (Bangor)            
‘Helynt Ienctid yw ’Mhechod’
(Cymraeg / Cuimris / Welsh)
George Jones (Exeter)            
‘The Symbolism, History and Modern Usage of the Flags of Scotland, Wales and Cornwall’
David McCay (Cambridge)   
‘Abstraction, Compilation and Redaction: The Development of the Prose Dindshenchas in the Book of Leinster’   
Amy Mitchell (Maigh Nuad / Maynooth)
‘“Do dhéanfainn athair maith”: An ghiniúint, an fhearúlacht agus an chruthaitheacht i scríbhneoireacht Sheáin Uí Ríordáin’
(Gaeilge / Gàidhlig na h-Èireann / Irish)
Piotr Szczepankiewicz (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań)           
‘Language authenticity in Cornish’                       
Myra Booth-Cockcroft (Glasgow)
‘Considering the ‘Myrddin’ Poetry in Llyfr Coch Hergest’

7 Cànan, litreachas is co-luadar
Language, literature and society
8 Co-luadar is fèin-aithne anns na Meadhan Aoisean
Society and identity in the Middles Ages
9 Cànan, foghlam is cànanachas
Language, learning and linguistics
Gòrdan Camshron (Sabhal Mòr Ostaig)
‘An archipelago in a global ocean? Gaelic language and culture as a societal asset’

James Miller (Cambridge)
‘A Tale of Two Houses: The Identity Creation of Two Carolingian Breton Monasteries’
Domhnall Ó Dubhlainn, Lily Blackadder, Matthew Pearce & Adam Reihill (NUI Galway)
‘The Potential for Immersive Online Gaming to Support Irish Language Learning’
Elan Grug Muse (Abertawe / Swansea)
‘Anti-colonialism in Welsh travel writing’
(Cymraeg / Cuimris / Welsh)
Andrei Ovidiu Stana (Bucharest)
‘Still a part of the Mediterranean World’
Ryan Dempsey (Queen’s University Belfast)
‘The Process by Which Scotland Became an English-speaking Country’    
Maria Zukovs (Western Ontario)
‘Ireland as a Settler Colony and Archetype of  Global Colonisation’
Patrick McAlary (Cambridge)
‘Conceptualising Dynastic and Ecclesiastic Interactions in Eighth-Century Ireland: The Case of Durrow and Clann Chólmain’             
Jakub Musil (Edinburgh)
‘2x2: Dialectology of Scottish Gaelic Laterals’
Coinneamh Choitcheann Bhliadhnail
Annual General Meeting

Fosgailte don a h-uile duine a tha an làthair aig a’ cho-labhairt. Chan fhaod ach oileanaich bhòtadh.
Open to all conference delegates. Only students may vote.
Dealbh buidhne
Group photo

Aonadh Oileanaich Teviot
Teviot Student Union
An Dannsa Bliadhnail: an cèilidh as motha agus as fheàrr ann an Dùn Eideann
The Highland Annual Ball: Edinburgh’s biggest and best cèilidh

20.30 - 23.00      Cèilidh seinn / Song cèilidh (concert). Seòmar Dìnnearach / Dining Room.
                           Rogha den cheòl Ghàidhealach as fheàrr an Alba / Some of Scotland’s best Gaelic musicians

21.30 - 03.00     An dannsa mòr / Cèilidh dance. Talla Deasbaid / Debating Hall.
                           Beinn Lee Cèilidh Band
                           Comann Ciùil Dhualchais Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann / Edinburgh University Folk Music Society

21.30 - 03.00     Seisean ciùil traidiseanta / Folk music session. Bàr Lounge / Lounge Bar.
                          Comann Ciùil Dhualchais Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann / Edinburgh University Folk Music Society

20.30 - 03.00     Bàr an Lobhta / Loft Bar

Nach bi sibh sàmhach modhail is sibh a’ gluasad eadar na seòmraichean. Na thigibh a-steach agus na rachaibh a-mach ach eadar òrain, mas e ur toil e.
Please be considerate when moving between rooms and only enter or leave between songs.

£20 – co-labhairt agus an Dannsa Bhliadhnail (tiocaid ro-làimh); £15 – co-labhairt a-mhàin; £7 – Dannsa Bliadhnail aig an doras (oileanaich); £12 – Dannsa Bliadhnail (prìs làn)
£20 - conference + Highland Annual (prebooked ticket); £15 - conference only; £7 Highland Annual on door (students); £12 Highland Annual on door (full price)

Didòmhnaich / Latha na Sàbaid 4 Màrt
Sunday 4 March

Talla Òraid
Lecture Theatre

Seòmar Pròiseact
Project Room
Seòmar 2.03
Room 2.03

10 Ceanglaichean eadar-Cheilteach
Inter-Celtic contacts
11 Co-luadar Ceilteach àrsaidh is meadhan-aoiseach
Ancient and medieval Celtic society
12 Riochdachadh phobail Cheilteach
Representations of Celtic peoples
Llyr Hughes (Bangor)            
‘“Rhyw ddieithrwch rhyfedd” – Llydaw O. M. Edwards’ [“A peculiar strangeness” – The Brittany of O. M. Edwards]
(Cymraeg / Cuimris / Welsh)
Naja Gerd Werther (Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg)         
‘Identifying the Celtic presence in Classical and Hellenistic Greece’
Nathalie Bertaud (Edinburgh)
‘Representations of Highland women in late Victorian popular media’         

Feena Tóibín (University College Cork)
‘Dubhghlas de hÍde agus an Ghàidhlig’ [Douglas Hyde and Scottish Gaelic]
(Gaeilge / Gàidhlig na h-Èireann / Irish)     
Kateřina Lorencová (Charles University, Prague) ‘Reconstruction of social structure: elites in the La Tène’             
Gabriela Escribano (Toronto)
‘Irish-Canadian Press Reactions to Ireland’s War of Independence: Toronto, 1919 – 1921’
Christopher Lewin (Edinburgh)               
‘John Rhŷs a’r Fanaweg’ [John Rhŷs and Manx] (Cymraeg / Cuimris / Welsh)

Fañch Bihan-Gallic (Aberdeen)
‘Scottish Burial-island: prestige and power-assertion’
Madeline Manning (Toronto)                
‘Robertson Davies and the Canadian Celt’  

13 Dòighean-obrach ùra air litreachasan Ceilteach
New approaches to Celtic literatures
14 Cànan, cultar is co-luadar: dòighean-obrach eadar-chuspaireal
Language, culture and society: interdisciplinary approaches
15 Cànan, cultar is co-luadar
Language, culture and society

Samuel Jones (Bangor)
‘“Sugno maeth o drysorau’r Cyfandir”: T. Hudson-Williams, Tshechoff a’r ddrama Gymraeg’
(Cymraeg / Cuimris / Welsh)
Christopher M. Oates (Edinburgh)
‘Urban Gaelic and Welsh: implications for language promotion’              
Frederic Bayer (Aberdeen)
‘Three Maries: An insight into the place of Gaelic society in the European context of the High Middle Ages’
Jennifer Gorissen (Maigh Nuad / Maynooth)
‘Aistriúchán ar na clasaicigh: Kidnapped agus Around the World in Eighty Days
(Gaeilge / Gàidhlig na h-Èireann / Irish)
Adam Dahmer (Edinburgh)
‘Gaelic after graduation: A look at language-use patterns among earners of Gaelic undergraduate degrees’
Bridget Hager (Toronto)
‘“Jurat Coram Nobis”: Bias in British Depositions of the 1641 Rebellion’       
Iain Howieson (Sabhal Mòr Ostaig)
‘Bàrdachd Baile: Ath-mheasadh’ [Township Poetry: a Re-evaluation]
(Gàidhlig na h-Alba / Scottish Gaelic)
Will Quale (Sheffield)
‘Conveying Manxness: translocal paths of Mylecharaine’s March’

Rhydian Jones (London School of Economics)
‘Regional integration and national disintegration: The Europeanisation of Scottish secessionism’
Séamus Barra Ó Súilleabháin (Coláiste Mhuire gan Smál, Luimneach / Mary Immaculate College, Limerick)
‘Maidhc File agus Coimisiún Béaloideas Éireann: Glór ag fás ó Aois go hAois’
(Gaeilge / Gàidhlig na h-Èireann / Irish)
Charles Wilson       (Edinburgh)            
‘“Researchers coming out”: An introduction to using autoethnography in Celtic studies’
Conor Finan (Toronto)
‘Uisce Beatha: Whiskey and Morality in Irish Balladry’
Prìomh-òraid / Plenary
An t-Àrd-Ollamh / Professor Wilson McLeod (Dùn Èideann / Edinburgh)
‘Crìochachas ann am poileasaidh leasachaidh na Gàidhlig’ [Territoriality in Gaelic development policy]
(Gàidhlig na h-Alba / Scottish Gaelic)

16 Co-luadar, fèin-aithne agus eachdraidh
Society, identity and history
17 Bòrd cruinn
Round table
18 Litreachas, eachdraidh is dualchas
Literature, history and heritage
Angelika Rüdiger (Bangor)
‘Y Derwyddon a’r Tylwyth Teg: Chwilio am  Hunaniaeth Genedlaethol Cymru yn y drydedd a phedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg’
(Cymraeg / Cuimris / Welsh)
‘Fieldwork in Celtic Studies’

Fañch Bihan-Gallic (Aberdeen)  

Alexander Lovell (Swansea)

Ben Ó Ceallaigh (Edinburgh)

Charles Wilson (Edinburgh) 
Adam Dahmer & Jeff Justice (Edinburgh)
‘Gaelic, ecology, and politics: Revisiting the biological analogy of language shift, and examining its political implications’

Déirdre Ní Mhathúna (Sabhal Mòr Ostaig)
‘Gaoir nam mnàthan-tuirim: An Caoineadh, cleachdadh riatanach a bh’ ann an co-luadar nan Gàidheal’
(Gàidhlig na h-Alba / Scottish Gaelic)
Sarah Scott (Edinburgh)
Ann an latha Raon-Ruairidh: Killiecrankie, Gaelic, and heritage interpretation’        
Seosamh Mac Cárthaigh (Cambridge)
‘Ciorrú agus an dlí sa Luathré Chríostaí in Éirinn’
(Gaeilge / Gàidhlig na h-Èireann / Irish)
Reed Morgan (Cambridge)    
‘Sisebut in Ireland: The Celtic Reception of a Visigothic King’
Rona Wilkie (Dùn Èideann / Edinburgh)
‘Singing: A Survival Mechanism’
(Gàidhlig na h-Alba / Scottish Gaelic)
Duncan Sneddon (Edinburgh)
‘A very Gàidhealach fantasy: An Sgoil Dhubh by Iain F. MacLeòid’ 
Prìomh-òraid Plenary
Dr Anne Macleod Hill (Edinburgh)
‘The Pelican in the Wilderness: Symbolism and allegory in women’s evangelical songs of the Gàidhealtachd’
Dùnadh na co-labhairt.
Close of conference.
Biadh / deochannan neo-fhoirmeil don luchd-tadhail nach do dh’fhalbh fhathast.
Informal meal / drinks for anyone still around.

Le taing mhòr do mmhdo na leanas:
With many thanks to the following:

Ionad airson trèanadh dotaireil anns na cànanan Ceilteach an AHRC / AHRC Centre for Doctoral Training in the Celtic Languages
Bòrd na Gàidhlig
Comann na Gàidhlig (Dùn Èideann agus Glaschu / Edinburgh and Glasgow)
Comann Ceilteach Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann / Edinburgh University Highland Society
Ceiltis is Eòlas na h-Alba, Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann / Celtic and Scottish Studies, University of Edinburgh
Tasglann Sgoil Eòlais na h-Alba / School of Scottish Studies Archives
Pàrlamaid na h-Alba / Scottish Parliament
Nate Buck, airson an làraich-lìn / for the website


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