Celtic Students Podcast, season 2, ep 5: Na Gàidheil ann an Alba Nuadh | The Gaels in Nova Scotia

San eapasod seo tha Ciarán Mac Siúlaí agus Lodaidh MacFhionghain, Ceannard Oifis Iomairtean na Gàidhlig, a bhruidhinn còmhla mu dheidhinn sgeul, eachtraidh, agus beirteas na Gàidhlig agus nan Gàidheal an ann Alba Nuadh thar nam bliadhnaichean. Tha an eapasod seo sa’ Ghàidhlig agus Beurla. Ma tha thu ag iarraidh nas mò eòlas a faighinn mu dhèidhinn Gàidhlig ‘is na Gàidheil ann ann Alba Nuadh faodaidh thu sin a faighinn san ceanglaichean seo thìos. 

In this Episode Kieran Walker and Lewis MacKinnon, the Executive Director of the Nova Scotian Office of Gaelic Affairs, talk together about the story, history and richness of Gaelic and the Gaels in Nova Scotia over the years. This episode is in Gaelic and English. If you are wanting to find more information about Gaelic and the Gaels in Nova Scotia you can find it in the links below. 

  • Buidhnean | Organizations 

  • Tasg-lannan | Archives 

This episode is in Scottish Gaelic and English. It was recorded in April 2021. 
Host: Ciarán Mac Siúlaí (Kieran Walker) 
Guest: Lodaidh MacFhionghain (Lewis MacKinnon) 
Music: “Kesh Jig, Leitrim Fancy” by Sláinte, CC BY-SA 3.0 US (creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/us/), available from freemusicarchive.org.


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