Celtic Students Conference 2023 – EXTENDED Call for Papers

📢 We've decided to EXTEND the Call for Papers for the 2023 Celtic Students Conference until 8th November!! So if you missed yesterday's deadline, now is your chance! 
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Cuiridh sinn fàilte mhòr ro pàipearan anns na cànanan Ceilteach! 

All the information can found below: 

– Where & When? University of Glasgow, 30th March–1st April 2023 

– But you can't travel? No worries! The conference will be hybrid! 

– Are you a Gàidhlig / Gaelg / Gaeilge / Cymraeg / Brezhoneg / Kernewek speaker? We strongly encourage submissions in Celtic languages. The last conference had papers in 5 out of the 6 Celtic languages, and we offer simultaneous interpretation into English for those papers. 

– What does the conference look like? Listen to Stiofán, former chair of the 2020 and 2021 conference and Erin, chair of the 2023 conference, talk about it in our podcast: https://anchor.fm/celticstudents/episodes/Season-3--Episode-10-The-Celtic-Students-Conference-2023-featuring-Stiofn--Briain-and-Erin-McNulty-e1ob65n 

– How do you even present a paper or write an abstract? Check out our 'how to write an abstract' blog post, there to help you! (https://celticstudents.blogspot.com/2021/08/writing-conference-paper-abstract.html

– What about academic posters? That sounds less scary, no? We have a blog post explaining these too! (https://celticstudents.blogspot.com/2022/10/how-to-make-academic-poster.html

– Be assured that we really *really* welcome first-time presenters. Many people in our committee presented their first ever paper at the Celtic Students Conference! So don't be scared! We're all students. 

– Last but not least, we need people to join our all-student committee! 🤗 Positions will be filled at our annual meeting which will take place at the end of the conference. So we look forward to meeting you! 

– If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us via social media (Twitter or Facebook, @CelticStudents) or at celticstudents.conference@gmail.com 

➡️ To submit a paper for the conference, go to https://linktr.ee/celticstudentsconference! The #CfP is in all Celtic languages, English, and French. Deadline: 8th November.


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