
Showing posts from January, 2014

Galw am Bapurau 2014 / Call for Papers 2014

Official launch of the Association at the National Eisteddfod, 2013 / Lansiad swyddogol y Gymdeithas yn yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol, 2013 Call for Papers The Association of Celtic Studies Students of Ireland and Britain will be holding its second annual conference at the University of Aberystwyth on Saturday 22 nd  March 2014. The aim of the Association is to bring together students of Celtic from across the different Celtic languages and countries, in order to promote and defend the discipline and the languages themselves. We seek to encourage the study of these languages by students, and to emphasise the interdisciplinary and multi-lingual nature of Celtic Studies as an academic field. We invite proposals for 15-minute papers on any subject relating to the Celtic languages and their attendant literatures and cultures from students of Celtic or related disciplines, both postgraduate and undergraduate. Papers may be presented in any of the Celtic languages or English. Simul...