
 Celtic Students Conference 2024 
Kendael ar Studierion Keltiek 2024 
Co-labhairt Oileanaich na Ceiltis 2024 
Cynhadledd Cymdeithas Myfyrwyr Astudiaethau Celtaidd 2024 
Comhdháil Mhic Léinn na Ceiltise 2024 
Keskussulyans Studhyoryon Geltek 2024 
Co-haggloo Ynseydee Cheltish 2024 

Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest (France)

Registration and programme now available here:

Information on interpretation from Celtic languages to English during the conference here.

[English] The Association of Celtic Students will be holding its eleventh annual conference from the 30th May to the 1st June 2024 in Brest and online

[Brezhoneg] Dalc’het e vo an unnekved kendael gant Kevredigezh ar Studierion Keltiek d’an 30 a viz Mae betek ar 1añ a Vezheven 2024 e Brest hag enlinenn

[Gàidhlig] Tha Comann Oileanaich na Ceiltis gu bhith a’ cumail a aonamh co-labhairt deug eadar 30mh den Chèitean agus a’ 1d den Ògmhios 2024 ann am Brest agus air loidhne

[Cymraeg] Ar y 30ain o Fai hyd y 1af o Fehefin 2024, bydd Cymdeithas Myfyrwyr Astudiaethau Celtaidd (yr hon a elwid yn y gorffennol ‘Cynhadledd Myfyrwyr Astudiaethau Celtaidd Prydain ac Iwerddon’) yn cynnal ei hunfed gynhadledd flynyddol ar ddeg yn Brest ac ar-lein

[Gaeilge na hÉireann] Beidh an 11ú comhdháil bhliantúil á reáchtáil ag Cumann Mhic Léinn na Ceiltise ón 30 Bealtaine go dtí an 1 Meitheamh 2024 in Brest agus ar líne

[Kernewek] An Kowethas Studhyoryon Geltek a wra synsi y unnegves keskussulyans bledhynnyek an 30ves a-vis Me bys an 1sa a-vis Metheven 2024 yn Brest ha warlinen

[Gaelg Vanninagh] Bee yn 11oo co-haggloo bleeanoil jeh’n Cheshaght Ynseydee Cheltish goll er yn 30oo Mee Boaldyn - 1oo Mean Souree 2024 ayns Brest as er-linney.

How to travel to Brest

(click on image for better quality)

Many direct flights to Brittany from Ireland and the UK operate mainly during the spring/summer. These flights are normally announced in the new year, closer to spring. They are usually operated by Aer Lingus, Ryanair and Easy Jet. In the meantime, we have listed other flights and transport which operate all-year round below. You can check the most up-to-date information on the airlines’ websites, or on the Brest airport website []. 
UPDATE 9th February 2024: there are now direct flights from Dublin to Brest in May–June 2024; see [].
The other closest airports are Rennes [] and Nantes []. Both of these cities are linked to Brest by trains and buses (for which see below). 
There might also be flights to Lorient in the spring/summer [], or Quimper [], so do check their websites closer to the conference. Lorient and Quimper are closer to Brest than Rennes and Nantes, and they are linked to Brest by trains and buses as well.

If coming from mainland Europe, you can take buses or trains, e.g. Flixbus []. The French train company is called SNCF, and tickets can be booked on: []. The BlaBlaCar carpool company also offers buses [].

If coming from outside of Europe, the easiest is probably to fly into Paris, and then either take the train/bus (see below) or a connection flight direct to Brest from Paris.

From Paris: 

By ferry 

From Ireland: 
From the UK: 
From these ports to Brest, you can take the train: 
Closer to the date of travel, you might also be able to book a carpool to Brest with someone using the BlaBlaCar website/app [].

By plane 

From Ireland: 
From the UK: 
From these cities to Brest, again you can take the train: 
There are also cheaper buses:

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at or


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  2. Thank you for an inspiring conference experience. The depth of knowledge shared by the speakers was impressive, and the sessions were incredibly well-structured and informative.


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