Celtic Students Podcast, season 2, ep 4: Gorsedh Kernow
In this episode, Kensa Broadhurst talks about the Cornish Gorsedh, Gorsedh Kernow, with Elizabeth Carne, Grand Bard, and Pol Hodge, Deputy Grand Bard. They discuss what the Gorsedh is, its formation, how people become Bards and the activities with which the Gorsedh is involved. Y’n towlen ma Kensa Broadhurst a gews a-dro Gorsedh Kernow gans Melennek, Bardh Meur, ha Mab Stennak Veur, Kannas Bardh Meur. I a dhadhel pyth yw an Orsedh, hy fondyans, fatel wra an dus a dheuth ha bos Berdh ha gwriansow an Orsedh. Links & notes: Elizabeth Carne (Melennek), Grand Bard Pol Hodge (Mab Stenak Veur), Deputy Grand Bard Gorsedh Kernow ( www.gorsedhkernow.org.uk ) Federation of Old Cornwall Societies ( www.oldcornwall.net ) Cornish Language Board ( www.kesva.org ) Henry Jenner, First Grand Bard Robert Morton Nance, Second Grand Bard Lowender Peran Festival ( www.lowenderperan.co.uk ) Kernewek Lowender Festival in Australia ( www.ke...