Celtic Students Podcast, season 2, ep 10: Linguistic Anthropology and Irish

[Gaeilge] San eipeasóid seo, labhraíonn Alexandra Philbin agus Kieran Walker le Steve Coleman, antraipeolaí teangeolaíoch atá ag obair mar léachtóir sa Roinn Antraipeolaíochta in Ollscoil Mhá Nuad. Pléann siad an tréimhse a chaith Steve sa Ghaeltacht i Ráth Chairn le linn a dhochtúireachta, an taighde antraipeolaíoch atá idir lámha aige a bhaineann leis an nGaeilge agus na moltaí atá aige do mhic agus d’iníonacha léinn a bhfuil suim acu sa chineál taighde seo.

Tá an eipeasóid seo i nGaeilge agus i mBéarla.

Óstaigh: Alexandra Philbin agus Kieran Walker

Aoi: Steve Coleman

Féach ar an liosta thíos de na heagraíochtaí, ceoltóirí, scríbhneoirí, acadóirí agus saothair a luadh san eipeasóid seo chun tuilleadh eolais a fháil.

[English] In this episode, Alexandra Philbin and Kieran Walker speak to Steve Coleman, a linguistic anthropologist working as a lecturer in the Department of Anthropology in Maynooth University. They discuss the time Steve spent in the Gaeltacht in Ráth Chairn during his doctorate, his anthropological research relating to the Irish language and the advice he has for students that are interested in this kind of research.

This episode is in English and Irish. It was recorded in May 2021. 

Hosts: Alexandra Philbin and Kieran Walker

Guest: Steve Coleman

Music: “Kesh Jig, Leitrim Fancy” by Sláinte, CC BY-SA 3.0 US (creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/us/), available from freemusicarchive.org.

Please see the list below for organisations, musicians, writers, academics and works that were mentioned in this episode.


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