
Showing posts from February, 2018

Draft Schedule: Celtic Students' Conference 2018, Edinburgh

Dh’fhaodadh an clàr-ama seo atharrachadh agus thèid tionndadh deireannach a sgaoileadh nas fhaisge air àm na co-labhairt. Please note details of this programme are liable to change and a final version will be available nearer the time of the conference. Co-labhairt Comann Oileanaich na Ceiltis 2018 Association of Celtic Students Annual Conference 2018 Dreachd Clàr-ama / Draft schedule Diardaoin 1 Màrt Thursday 1 March                                       Taigh-seinnse a’ Waverley, 3-5 Sràid Naomh Moire, EH1 1TA Waverley bar, 3-5 St Mary’s Street, EH1 1TA 20.00 Coinneamh neo-fhoirmeil dhaibhsan a tha ann an Dùn Eideann mar-thà. Informal get together for those who have already arrived. Dihaoine 2 Màrt Friday 2 March Bùthan-obrach: ‘A...