.@CelticStudents Conference Timetable / Clàr-ama na co-labhairt ACSIB #Glaschu2017
Clàr an seo / Register here The 5th Annual Conference of the Association of Celtic Students of Ireland and Britain Disathairne 25mh Màrt 2017 Saturday 25th March 2017 09:00 - 17:00 Togalach Mheadaigeach Wolfson , Oilthigh Ghlaschu, Lònach an Oilthigh, G12 8QQ Alba Wolfson Medical Building, University of Glasgow, University Avenue, G12 8QQ Scotland Clàr-ama na Co-labhairt / Conference Timetable DiHaoine (24mh) / Friday (25th) 20:00 Cèilidh sòisealta / Social get-together DiSathairne (25mh) / Saturday (25th) 09:00 Clàradh / Registration 09:30 Fàilte / Welcome Seisean 1 / Session 1 09:45 Rona Wilkie, Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann / University of Edinburgh (Gàidhlig / Scottish Gaelic) "Hopeless in Tone": Highland Political Activity 1851-1880 Many Gaelic scholars lament at the “depressing and even hopeless” tone (Sorley MacLean) of the Highland reaction to the Clearances. Historians often argue that it was soc