
Showing posts from February, 2021

LGBTQ Terminology in the Celtic Languages

As it is LGBTQ History Month in the United Kingdom, here at the Association of Celtic Students of Ireland and Britain, we wanted to take a moment to celebrate the diverse community of speakers and learners of Celtic languages by exploring the growing lexicon of LGBTQ terms in the Celtic languages. If you are an ally or are LGBTQ yourself, here you can find a quick overview of terms to bolster your personal vocabulary with more inclusive language to make everyone feel welcome in our community. And, most importantly, if you know any additional or alternative terminology, we would love to hear from you in our comments section below! Cymraeg  Welsh brings a broad LGBTQ vocabulary, with what you can see here only being a selection of the extensive list offered by Stonewall Cymru which you can find here . Masculine Pronoun: Fe. Feminine Pronoun: Hi. Neutral Pronoun: Nhw. Anneuaidd Non-binary Anrhywiol Asexual Aromantig Aromanti

Welcome back!

 Hello  We are re-launching our blog! Our aim is to share content made by and for students including academic advice and language learning as well as posts that reflect the interests of our members. Some posts that are coming up are LGBTQ+ terms, language learning and women Celticists. We are updating the information on the blog all the time so keep checking back! We want to introduce ourselves as we are new editors of this blog: My name is Freya (She/Her) and I am an undergraduate at the University of Glasgow studying Celtic Studies, focusing on early medieval Ireland. I have been involved with the Association since 2019 but started working on the blog this year. I am looking forward to the organisational side of running a blog as well as learning more about Celtic Studies by writing some posts. And my name is Emmet (They/Them), and I am a PhD student at University College Cork in the Department of Early and Medieval Irish, also focusing on medieval Ireland! Particularly on the lit